MyServiceAnimal Employee - Daniel Butler

Daniel Butler

MyServiceAnimal CMO & Legal Expert

Chief Marketing Officer and Legal Expert in Assistance Animal Specialization

“At MyServiceAnimal, I can combine my profession as a lawyer with my passion for marketing, all while working with my favorite animals. It’s perfect!”

Part of the MyServiceAnimal Customer Service Representative team.

Proud owner of an ESA cat named Thomas.

Author Posts

Mar 20, 2023

Essential Accessories for Emotional Support Animals

Getting an emotional support dog can be followed by certain challenges along the process – starting from a therapist’s confirmation of one’s need to have an ESA and ending with getting all the accessories to be recognized in public and avoiding problems caused by people’s ignorance of the topic. That’s why we believe it’s essential […]

Jan 3, 2023

Can a Landlord Deny Your Emotional Support Dog?

An emotional support animal helps its keeper cope more effectively with various cognitive infirmities and diseases. ESA is recognized as an effective ministration for post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and other non-physical conditions. Contrasted to service animal rights, ESA rights are narrowed to housing. Nevertheless, it is crucial to know all the specifics of living […]

Nov 29, 2022

Service Dog Accessories That Are Useful to Have – A Checklist

After getting a service dog, people may notice numerous changes in the lives they used to. A dog is already a responsibility, and with service dogs, it may be even more complicated sometimes. Starting with, of course, getting special accessories to demonstrate to people around that your four-leg companion is on duty and shouldn’t be […]

Nov 14, 2022

Owning a Lawful ESA Companion Animal in Virginia

Coming into possession of an emotional support animal is an important step in the therapy of countless cognitive infirmities. But before becoming an ESA owner, you should know all the ins and outs of keeping these creatures, especially given the fact that ESAs regulations can vary from state to state. So, we’ve created a quick […]

Nov 3, 2022

What Should ESA Owners in Wisconsin Know?

Ownership of an emotional support animal works both ways. On the one hand, the animal brings you comfort and peace, and on the other hand, it requires constant care and attention. So, for residents of Wisconsin who are seriously thinking about getting an ESA, we have prepared a piece of information about emotional support animals […]

Mar 8, 2022

Service Animals Housing Rights

Humans with inabilities can often feel cut off from the world and society. They have special needs, and asking someone for help is often difficult. That is why service animals are especially popular among such humans. These creatures are expressly tamed to perform almost any tasks of their owners. Moreover, the constant vicinity of an […]

Feb 1, 2022

Renting an Apartment with an Emotional Support Animal

How to rent an apartment with support animal Every day the number of men having registered emotional support animals that help them cope with various psycho-emotional maladies is increasing. Many scientific studies in this field show the undeniable positive impact of animals on the mental state of a person. For example, ESAs help to cope […]

Jun 29, 2021

Reasonable Accommodation Request to Rent with Service Dog

A lot of people with disabilities, especially those who are new to this lifestyle, do not understand various aspects of this new routine and how they work. Today, we would like to talk about one of those factors – reasonable accommodation. What is this thing? How does it work? How exactly can reasonable accommodation requests […]

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